Functional Training and Identifying Movement Patterns
- Regular
- $60.00
The body knows movement. It doesn’t know muscles! This New and Updated workshop shows you many of the old fashioned, unsafe or counterproductive exercises we still do in the gym as well as much more effective, safer and more enjoyable exercise alternatives. We will give you the tools to identify postural problems, poor movement patterns and muscle imbalances in the most common exercises. Loaded with tons of colour photos, a 2 1/2 hour video, and an online tutorial, you will learn how you can help your clients achieve proper positioning to keep them safe, injury free and also enhance their workouts. This workshop is a must for every Fitness professional.
This comes with a manual and a video both loaded with lots of functional exercises that you can do.
What is included in this workshop?
This workshop includes a manual, 5 videos, a muscle review sheet and an assignment.
The digital workshops are non-printable. If you'd like a printed copy, please order one (and you will also receive the digital copy right away).
You will have 4 months from your date of purchase to complete this workshop.
canfitpro – 2.0 PTS, FIS
CMTNL and CMTNB – 2 Category A CEUs
MTAS - 4 primary CEUs
FNB - 4 CECs
ACE/AFCLA/ISSA/OFC/MFC - available for petition