Physique Competition Prep

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Digital or Printed digital

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This thorough workshop covers all aspects of bodybuilding and Physique competitions and preparing for a competition. We cover Goal setting, Choosing a competition and category, Registration and membership, Somatotyping and how it affects success in bodybuilding, Nutrition, Diet and Exercise, Supplements (pros and cons), Ergogenic Aids/Steroids, Dehydrating, Hazards, Coaching, Posing, Injury, How and when to change the program, Costs involved in competing, Packing list for a competition, Planning ahead for the competition, What to expect during a show, After the show information, Between competitions, Issues with bodybuilding, muscle dysmorphia, Motivational and psychological aspect of bodybuilding, tips from competitors and much more.

What is included in this workshop?

This workshop includes a manual and an assignment.

The digital workshops are non-printable. If you'd like a printed copy, please order one (and you will also receive the digital copy right away).




Canfitpro - 3 CECs


FNB - 5 CECs

ACE/AFCLA/ISSA/OFC/MFC - available for petition



You will have 4 months from your date of purchase to complete this workshop.